Bacon -Wrapped Pineapple

This holiday season, I’ve participated more than I ever have in the past – as hostess and contributor. In past years my hands have been full enough just trying to make sure all the kids are dressed and ready, supplies are packed for the day, correct gifts are bought, wrapped, and packed, etc. I always felt guilty that I wasn’t able to contribute more, but this year I decided that was unacceptable. 😉

I’ve made these little treats 3 times since November. They are wildly popular, easy to make, and fairly quick, even if they are a little sticky and messy. Not too pricey either: Bacon is usually about $5-6, a can of pineapple $1.50, and brown sugar $2 or so for a whole bag. (These are also non-sale prices, so if you stock up when they’re on sale you’ll be better off.) If you don’t mind the cheap ones (which work just as well), you can get a big box of toothpicks for about $1.

Here is the link to my pin of the recipe:

One tip: This last time I realized I only had thick cut bacon – it’s actually better, I think, to use the thin, cheaper bacon. I will NOT be using thick cut again, unless I buy fresh pineapple and cut the pieces larger. The bacon overwhelmed the pineapple, and it was just too chewy.

Hope you can enjoy this recipe and share with family and friends!

Honey Garlic Pork Loin (First Meal)

If you aren’t aware, I plan my meals based on the grocery sales each week. Sometimes that means stepping out of my comfort zone and trying a new cut of meat or cooking it a different way. Lots of times it involves Google, and lately, Pinterest! So when pork roast went on sale last week, I picked one up after searching and coming up with this recipe: Honey Garlic & Onion Pork Loin. The author actually is a Word Press user:

I followed the recipe except that I didn’t have dried dill so I omitted that ingredient.
I love that the glaze is sweet but the seasonings add a nice herbal flavor to it.


So enjoy trying out this recipe and use the leftovers as a Second Meal in my “Minezole Soup”!!